About Me

My name is Hajra, I am a young female British Pakistani Muslim-Gosh that’s a mouthful. Growing up in Britain I’ve seen how being a young British Pakistani Muslim (excuse the mouthful again) has gotten more difficult over time. The two cultures are very contrasting and there are many issues within my own Pakistani/Muslim community that perhaps my friends who solely come from a British community may not understand.

For many years, I have been interested in social issues, discussions about philosophical thoughts, innovation and creativity. All of this has always been far more exhilarating and soul soothing for me, then keeping up with the Jones. I believe there are indeed many faults in my own host community that need to be brought to light. Education and enlightenment is what I aim to convey. Along with discussing matters others may be uncomfortable to address, my blog is an also a form of escapism for me. A hobby that gives me great pleasure, therefore just a reminder I am not a university lecture who has exceptional grammar skills, just a proud, slightly aloof dyslexic.

Hence, I’ve decided to start a blog, here I wish to quite simply pour my heart, express my views and also invite others to join in discussions. This is a friendly and welcoming space that encourages intellectual thought and new perspectives.

This is a light-hearted blog that is open, honest and slightly sarcastic, which aims to keep its content as real as possible.

25 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Hey Hajra, as a matter of fact, I just visited your blog and having read some of the posts, I felt like I should be nominating you for the sisterhood of the world bloggers award. Would that be ok ? Would you want to be nominated? I’m just about done with the final nominees list.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Alhamdulillah! I am so happy to have come across your blog. Looking forward to read a lot of posts from you In-shaa Allah. May Allah bless and guide us always. Ameen

    Your sister from India,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww thank you so much for your kind words! It’s always such a honour when someone finds the content of my blog appealing, reassures me to just carry on. I will be writing some more In’Sha’Allah in a couple of days, I’m sure you’ll enjoy that read to. Thank you for stumbling across my blog and for your support 🙂


  3. Hey Hajra, hope all is well and you are relaxing during holiday break. I wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for the liebster blog-award so whenever convenient please take a look at my post 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Prajakta thank you for your nomination I really appreciate it. However WP I find a bit awkward as most people who I nominate never participate lol. Thank you so much anyways and congrats for being nominated you very much so deserve it 🙂


  4. Hie Hajra..
    I finally am doing my award posts and cannot do one without giving it out to you. Your words open a new world to me that i never knew. I have silent conversations and then you answer one more question with one more nice post. Some times, i disagree and sometimes i think it is all not okay. I just give the thought enough time to see your logic and reason and that made me stay and read more. Thank you for all those posts and for this nice blog you have here. Here is my leibster nomination and link to the post. It is upto you to take it forward or not. But Congratulations. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow, thank you very much for your kind and honest words. It’s always humbling when people stick around and make time to listen to what I have to say even though there are times where you may disagree haha! Unfortunately on this occasion I won’t be able to go forward as my personal life is pretty much hectic right now! I look forward to redding your award blog post. You very much deserve it. Thank you once again 🙂

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